HumaReC blogposts archive (24 months SNSF project 2016-2018)


  • Written by Sara Schulthess
  • Hits: 4476

Article in Journal for Data Mining and Digital Humanities

An article from our team is now published in the special issue of Intertextuality in Ancient Languages of the Journal for Data Mining and Digital Humanities. This article covers the development of the digital edition Tarsian, which was achieved during the previous project (FNS 143810). 

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  • Written by martial sankar
  • Hits: 5953

Analytics & Acquisition Report #1

The first version of HumaReC was launched in March, the 7th. Three months later, is the plateform visited enough ? Are we visible enough on the web ? What can we do to enhance the traffic on our webpage ? HumaReC is happy to share with you glimpses of answers, harvested from our web analytics data.

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  • Written by Claire Clivaz
  • Hits: 5027

HumaReC mentioned by the H2020 project READ (Transkribus)

On the 7th of April, the H2020 project READ has published a news report presenting our project and our collaboration with Transkribus. We are very proud of this development: «A new model for Humanities research - collaboration with HumaReC».

It also makes mention of a French blog post written by Claire Clivaz in the Swiss newspaper Le Temps, where she is discussing about what the future jobs for post-doc in DH could be, underlying the Transkribus potential : «Et si les sciences humaines créaient de nouveaux métiers? Vers les 'DH curators'?» (Le Temps, 18 février 2017).


  • Written by Sara Schulthess
  • Hits: 12664

Important comments on the Arabic translation

I had the great opportunity to participate last week at the international conference “Translators, copists and interpreters: Jews, Christians and Muslims and the transmission of the Bible in Arabic in the Middle Age”, 26-28 April in Cordoba.

For the occasion, I presented a paper about the Marc. Gr. Z. 11 (379). I demonstrated that the Arabic translation has a Latin origin, more precisely a Vulgate text.

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  • Written by Sara Schulthess
  • Hits: 5705

First look at the Greek text

Of which kind is the Greek text in our manuscript? This article summarizes some observations based on the folios that we have on the platform at the moment.

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