HumaReC blogposts archive (24 months SNSF project 2016-2018)


  • Written by Sara Schulthess
  • Hits: 15524

Release of the manuscript images

While focusing on the writing of the web book, the encoding of transcribed folios is pending – and consequently the publication of the rest of the images of the manuscript. It seems us worthwile to publish on the manuscript viewer the images even if the transcription is not available yet.

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  • Written by Sara Schulthess
  • Hits: 4973

Manuscript Viewer Update

Today we have released a new version of the manuscript viewer! Based on the EVT version 1.2, it displays the text in three columns.

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  • Written by Sara Schulthess
  • Hits: 6040

Short Paper at the DH Benelux 2018

HumaReC participated last week to the DH Benelux 2018. For private reasons, Sara Schulthess was not able to be physically present but we made a video out of our short paper. We are happy to share this presentation with you!

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