HumaReC blogposts archive (24 months SNSF project 2016-2018)


  • Written by Sara Schulthess
  • Hits: 4513

Output: report #2 online

The aim of the reports is to keep track of our work and thoughts all along the project and to communicate about our progression to our board of experts. We are happy to share with you the second report.

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  • Written by Sara Schulthess
  • Hits: 10668

Rm 6:7 in the Latin column

With this short blog article, I want to draw you attention to the verse Rm 6:7 in the Latin column, which is namely... absent! The complete verse qui enim mortuus est iustificatus est a peccato is omitted in Latin.

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  • Written by Sara Schulthess
  • Hits: 5742

Talk at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Two weeks ago, we had the chance to present the project HumaReC as well as other activities of our group Vital-DH at the University of Thessaloniki. Anastasia and Sara were received by Prof. Ekaterini Tsalampouni, her assistant Paraskevi Arapoglou and her colleagues and students. The meeting with Prof. Tsalampouni and her team was very enlightining for many reasons.

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